Alphabet Foods

Alphabet Foods

If you do not know what I mean by alphabet foods, then I will tell you. By alphabet foods, I mean I'm going to make list of that start with each letter. I'll put the foods in alphabetical order.
A-apples, avocado
B-bread, bananas, brownies
C-corn, cake, cupcakes, crackers
D-dill pickles, dough
E-eggplant, eggs
F- fries, frozen yogurt
G-grapes, grilled cheese
H- honey, ham
I- ice cream, iced donuts
J-jelly, jelly beans
K-kiwi, ketchup 
L-lollipops, lettuce, laffy taffy
M-macaroni, meatloaf, muffins, meatball
N-nachos, noodles, nuts, nuggets, 
O- oranges, okra, oatmeal, olives, onion
P-pasta, pears, peaches, pork, potatoes
Q-quail, quesdilla 
R-rice, raisin, raspberry, red pepper
S-salad, salt, sugar, sausages, 
T- toast, tuna, turkey, tomatoes 
U-unsweetened chocolate, unsalted nuts
V-vinegar, vegetable spaghetti
W-white chocolate, wheat, white rice
X-xmas cookies, xavier soup, xacuti 
Y-yogurt, yam, yolk
Z-zucchini, zesta saltines

I hope I helped if that's what you were looking for. I have no idea why you'd be looking for that though.  I tried my best! If you have any other ones, comment below!

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