My New Obsession Series #5!!!

Welcome back! If you are new to my blog, please feel free to hit that follow button. Also if ypu are new to my blog, my new obsession series is a series I do on my blog about new things or things I have been obsessed with. Today's obsession is....


I got my ukelele about a month ago and I am currently still learning to play it. But in order to learn how to play it faster, I must practice daily. I am learning to fit it into my daily routine and it s becoming more and more fun as I learn new things about how to play my ukelele.

So yeah, that is basically it for today's new obsession series post! If you are new, you might not know that I have a YouTube channel! Here is a little side info about it:

It is called:

Jenavieve Burley

How Often I Post:

Daily, sometimes twice a day unless I am busy or planning a special video.

Subscriber Count:


I am super close to 200 subscribers as you can tell!! It would mean the world to me if you could subscribe!!

That is it for today's post!! Hope you enjoyed!! Don't forget to follow my blog!! Bye!!

♡ Jenavieve Burley

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