This blog post will be about my inspiration. I will basically be telling you what inspires me. Well, here we go! People inspire me. Certain type of people inspire me. Like some of my siblings inspire me. My older sister inspires me. She gives me lots of good advice. I can tell her so many things because I know I can trust her to keep it a secret. That is why she inspires me. Videos also inspire me. They give me good advice too. I can go to YouTube and look up how to make money. Great answers will pop up. But I have to be careful with that kind of stuff. You never know when there could be creepers out there. There is one more thing that inspires me. The holiday season also inspires me. It gives me that good feeling to encourage me to do everything in an awesome way. It also makes me really jolly and cool. Well, that is my inspiration. Hope you enjoyed!