5 Words That Describe My Blog

5 Words That Describe My Blog

In this blog I will be writing about 5 words that describe my blog and how those words describe it. Let's get started!

  1. Creative-this word describes my blog because everything I post is really creative. I mean,  have you read any blogs like mine? Just think about that for a couple of seconds. That's right! 
  2. Imaginative- that describes my blog because my blogs are easy to immediately start imagine something else. I mean that in a good way. I mean you can start a story just from reading 1 sentence from a blog post of mine.
  3. Excitement-excitement explains my blog because my blog posts are really exciting. They give you that joy of excitement in your heart. This is just my opinion. If you think differently about my posts, just don't share that with me, okay?

Extraordinary-explains my blog because my blogs are different in a good way. I have amazing posts. They always are different types of posts. All of my posts never stay on 1 topic.That's a good thing. They always stay random. That's what my whole blog is about. 


Lively-that explains my blog posts because my posts always stay interesting. They aren't that boring. They aren't boring at all actually.

There you have it. I gave you 5 words that describe my blog and how they describe it. Read next time at randombloggerlife.blogspot.com 

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