Family Month - How To Deal With An Annoying Sibling -

It is November, which means we're even closer to Christmas!! I know, I know. I shouldn't be thinking about Christmas until December. But me and my family are already putting up decorations for Christmas, so I'm really getting into the holiday spirit. Speaking of family, my new monthly topic is family. Today I'll talk about how to deal with an annoying sibling. So lets get started.

If you have any siblings or cousins, or even friend's siblings, you know that they can be annoying. From not giving you any personal space, to hitting you repeatedly. I'll tell you several ways to deal with those type of siblings.
First, try to ignore them. This could actually be pretty hard, especially when they are hitting you or saying your name over and over. But try your best. If it doesn't work, don't worry, because I have other ways. Maybe play music to ignore them. It would work better with earbuds or headphones to block them out more. There are a lot more ways to ignore them than just that. Just stuff some cotton in your ears. I don't know.
Second, leave the area. Go to the park, Starbucks, or just your room. Get away from them ,basically. Either go to a totally different place or just to a different room. Lock the door if you're able to. That way this annoying sibling can't get in. Then you have some privacy and personal space, something you rarely can get get with an annoying family. If you want to make it even more peaceful, go to a cafe or a library. Just try to find a different place to be.
Third, be a tattle-teller. It actually helps to tell your guardian or parent. Then they get in trouble unless the parent/guardian just doesn't care. Unless you hit the sibling back or you were being annoying too, I doubt you could get into trouble. Just act like the perfect little angel, the innocent one. I can't pretend to be innocent because my little sibling already is the perfect little angel in the family.

Well, that's all I could think of. If  you can think of anything else, please tell me in the comments so I can deal with my annoying siblings. Follow, comment, and check out my other blog posts!

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