
 This whole blog post will be full of jokes. I will make another blog post like this later on. If you want your joke in it then, just comment your joke and it might end up in the next joke blog post.

 Q : Why can't you give Elsa a balloon ? A : Because she will let it go
 Q : Why did the banana go to the doctor ? A : Because it wasn't peeling well
 Q : What is a pirate's favorite letter ? A : Aaarrr
 Q : What did the hamburger name it's baby ? A : Patty
 Q : How do clams call friends ? A : With their shell phones
 Q : Why did the chicken cross the playground ? A : To get to the other slide
 Q : What do you call a pig that knows karate ? A : A pork chop
 Q : Why do bees have sticky hair ? A : Because they use honeycombs 
 Q : What is brown and sticky ? A : A stick
 Q : Where do library books like to sleep ? A : Under their covers
 Q : How do you make a tissue dance ? A : Put a little boogie in it 
 Q : Why was the math book sad ? A : It had to many problems

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